Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What are the best natural skin lightening materials?


What are the best natural skin lightening materials?
um no offence or nethng...but y wud u wna lighten ur skin?..just stay the way u r...coz if u chnge the colour of the skin on ur face,ur gna have 2 change the colour of ur skin EVERYWHERE ELSE...

wateva u choose 2 do,gud luck

Reply:Mixture of Termeric %26amp; Milk, U can also use honey %26amp; lemon jush to bleach ur hair.
Reply:i know proactiv has something in it that makes ur skin lighter...thats why i stopped using it and plus it didnt work...im assuming it had something like bleach in it....
Reply:why would u wanna do that? I think u should be willing to accept urself. Would u wanna change ur parents.????

But...seriously go get a life!!!
Reply:Maybe use liquid makeup that you can wash off if you decide you don't like the way it looks. It's a lot safer than skin lighteners, and not such a drastic thing to do.

snow flower

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