Im pretty pale already but I want to be like practically white just because I think its preally pretty. I just have a couple of questions first before I do it:
Should I dillute the lemon juice with water or not?
Im usuing it all over my body because i dont want any weird lines... How much lemon juice should I use in all?
How long does the paleness last for? What can i do to make it last longer?
Im lightening my skin with lemon juice?
It will work
Reply:Wow, I've never heard of lemon juice lightening skin. Hair, yes, but never skin. But if that works, awesome!! Cuz I love pale skin. :]
Reply:Lemon juice fresh taken as lemonade is better for the whole body, consult your doctor if you are pale to check for any low blood haemoglobin, jaundice, hypothyroid situations and some time that is the natural colour of skin
Reply:lemon juice is best for whitening!
use lemon juice directly all over the body...
but for the its most sensitive...apply dry milk to the squeezed inner part of the lemon and then rub this on ur face....keep it for 15 mins!
apply potato juice to ur face...for 30 mins daily!
lemon and potato both have whitening qualties!
apply tomato juice to bring the pinkish color to face!
Reply:wow u need some help, be happy with who you are.
also, most people thin darker skin is more attractive.
I am very pale, and hate it
Reply:it works
Reply:I think you'll end up just irritating your skin more than anything. Just stay away from the sun and indoors for a winter. That'll make you white. It's a matter of personal taste I guess but pale skin is creepy and grosses me out. Like zombies....
Reply:lemon can be harsh for skin because it is too acidic.. for skin lightening tips, here's a ton of information -
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