my underarms are dark and i tried bleaching but tht didn't wrk. wot else can i do?
Does bleach rli lighten skin or is it onli 4 lightening hair??
waxing will only work if your underarms look dark like stubble on a mans face. if the skin is just darker then go to your doctor/dermatologist you probably have something called acanthosis nigericans, which is just you have darker patches on your legs and under your arms, lemon juice can help fade it gradually and exfoliate weekly.
Reply:I'm pretty sure bleach lightens anything!
Reply:Bleaching is only for hairs but the reflection of the hair makes the skin looks brighter
Reply:Why the hell would you want to put bleach on your beautiful underarms? You don't want to end up looking like Micheal Jackson! First it'll be bleaching the underarms (a very sensitive area).. next it'll be bleaching your knees and elbows because they are darker. Then it'll be bleaching under your eyes because it's also darker!
No one is going to look at you and think 'Ooh look at her underarms, she looks way hot with them!' are they? No!
They might just be darker because of the hair that remains there when you shave. Try getting a wax instead.
Reply:bleach is for you hair not skin.
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