Historical, the white people acted biasedly to the black people. Now in some Asian countries, some Asian people would look down some darker skin races, say black, Indian, or people come from Middle East and south-east Asia, but it’s not on the western white. And if the yellow skins go to western country, more or less, they would be looked down.
Moreover, generally speaking, why the lighten skin color, the higher society status you get, and more economic power you have? Why most of the developed countries are white people countries, and the most of the fall behind places are be holding by the dark skin? (eg. Africa, South-American, India…..etc.)
Could someone explain to me in detail please?
Why are the lighten skin races would always discriminate against the darker races?
I dunno. Have you noticed that colder climates in the world are also more developed than the warmer climates? Maybe that's the reason, and it is just coincidence that lighter skinned people live in colder climates.
Racial issues go any which way, darker, lighter, not dark enough, not light enough. i wish the entire human race would just get over it! Nobody's any better than anybody else, so there. Let's move on to world peace, tolerance, acceptance, love, and all get along without violence, hatred, and oneupmanship.
Reply:Historically Africa never had any riches. India had at one time lots of riches, but it was robbed by muslims and christians. Some racists would say that it has nothing to do with color but intelligence. They would say that the white people are just smarter. Others would say they are just more coniving and sneaky. I will just say that people prefer to stay within their comfort zone and we on a general basis don't like things to change or be different and when some does just that it is then hated and scrutinized.
Reply:Because they could. Because darker skinned people let them. Because the lighter skinned people won.
Reply:Stupid I guess, people are people no matter what color they are.
Reply:May-be the White people feel that there are richer, and they are the ones who have the power. How-ever it was not always like that, the African black people could have very easily been the power holders; civilization started in Africa, around the River Nile; large cities grew up. At the time when advance towns were flourishing in Africa, Europe was mainly peopled by civilizations in small huts centered around much smaller rivers. Black Africa was also advanced ahead of Europe in technology. How come then that Europe caught up and went ahead of Africa? Slavery, demolished Africa. Africa, though in advance of Europe at that time, could not have fought off slavery, because Africa is very huge, many tribes undivided and scattered over distance locations ; thus Africa was unable to unite and resist. Africa was unabled to catch back up since then : Read : HOW EUROPE UNDERDEVELOPED AFRICA by Walter Rodney.
Reply:ok i see your point but the fact of discrimination that is the question title it goes both ways we call them ******* see they blot it out n i g e r (two g's) they call us crackers we just get called racist and they get called getho it goes both ways except there are laws against us calling them nigers and the fact of light skin countries being more succesfull are that the industrial revolution made it all happen first started with britan and america spread to gemany and then just spread crazily all over europe except russia they took some time to industrialize even up to ww1 the werent industrialized
and africa was very wealthy and still is. notice how europeans raced to africa, and the reason why they couldn't do it sooner steam boats able to navigate the large rivers and be able to go up stream this made africa impregnable (except for the coast) for a few hundred years after the wealth of africa was discovered around the slave trade and africa was divided by europeans so they wouldnot fight over "there" own share in the berlin conference composing of 14 european nations met to divide it up and the fact of the matter is almost every dark skinned country has been conquered by white that is why they are looked down upon. africa india and most of the middle east it just has to do with how a society advances look asia and europe historically they developed along the same time line and they left almost everyone behind them its just that europe found africa and the americas so they frew a lot faster than asian countries because those countrys had to fight wars to gain already conquered land
Reply:Oh please, enough with this already, I have never met an african american that wasn't predjudiced against whitey, and have you heard how many muslims are in this world and that they are compelled to kill the infidels ( white people ). And I have never met an african american that wasn't predjudiced against Mexicans.
Reply:I've never experienced, personally, lighter skinned races being racist to darker skinned. I am white. I lived in Abu Dahbi, I was quite young, and my mother and I got in a car wreck. Our car was hit from behind at a stop light. The man who hit us was an Arab. His car was bearly dinged. Our little sedan was crushed. He was let off and got to go home, we spent the night in jail. I didn't realize at the time what racism was.
Living in Texas, I was always picked on for being caucaisan. It was mainly african americans that would throw things at me and call me a 'honky'. Once, I was kicked in the back of the head because I was white. I never physically fought back... I was in Tae Kwon Do and didn't want to get kicked out. I talked to the principle and said this had to stop. Nobody believed me because of the history between Africans and Whites.
Dispite this, I am not racist. I never have been. Rising above the name calling and violence associated with racisim is the only way to end racisim...
Don't make war if your goal is peace.
Reply:The reason that most of the developed countries are mostly white is because the europeans were explorers where as Asians, Africans, etc. were not so much, so most of the countries of the world that were settled by explorers were settled by white europeans.
Now to the second part. Every type of people in the world has been racist toward others that are not like them, its human nature to want to be with people that you are like and the most obvious difference between people is the way they look whether its skin color, height, sex, a birth defect or whatever. A good example of this is to look at the different types of people that have come to the US and what they went thru when they did. When white people brought black people to the US they looked down on them, when the Irish came to the US the Italians looked down on them, and so on with the Polish, Asians, Arabs, Indians, Hispanics and so forth. Every group of people that has come to America has looked down on the next group to come. The only group that didn't look down on anyone coming to the US were the Native Americans, but of course after they begin to get slaughtered that changed. Im not sure if your from the US but if you are think about how years ago a lot of Asians came here and opened conveinence stores and people complained about it, now arabs and indians are coming here and opening conveinence stores and people are complaining about it, even the asians whose families did the exact same thing.
By reading your question I notice your assuming that people with darker skin dont look down on people with lighter skin and thats not true. The reason people assume this is because of things done in the past like slavery but I can tell you from first hand experience every type of people has narrow minded racists among them. I remember when i was younger I had a black girlfriend and Im white and we heard racists comments from both white and black people, even some black guys that I know were dating white women. Now I do find it curious that a lot of people that think white and black people shouldn't date dont care about other combinations like white and asian or black and asian. I think this is mainly because of all the history between black and white people.
Its a really sad thing the way people treat one another but thankfully it is getting better but of course its going to take a lot of time and I dont ever think that racism will completely end, that is unless people mix together so much that future humans will all be moccoa colored but knowing mankind Im sure there would still be some kind of dumb prejudice like brown eyed people not like blue eyed people. Of course this is all my opinion and I could be wrong, except for the first part that is. Im right about that.
King Midas, he answered below me, is a good example of "reverse" racism.
Reply:Stupidity and being brought up thinking stupid, I'd say. Good enough, yes?
Reply:I don't usually answer questions with so many previous answers But
Do you keep yourself in a cacoon??? Lets just call what you are talking about as "discrimination"
I am Caucasion (white), My best friend came from Myranmar (burma) in asia, We are great friends, he has two daughters who will have to marry orientals.
When I was 18 I got a Chinese girlfriend, When her family found out I was White, She was grounded in her house and couldn't go out.
Where I live There is Ethnic Diversity, But from what I see From East Indians, Koreans, Chineese, Vietnamese, and Japanese, They don't want their daughter to marry out of their culture,
Whites don't seem to care that much, or Blacks as I have noticed
So don't tell me whites discriminate about darker races. Racism is everywhere, and whites don't have a monopoly
Reply:first off acquired is way off base with his claims. Africa was and still is one of the richest nations on this earth. The media in the west only want to show you the poor, war torn parts of Africa. The major reason Africa is in he state it is in is because of greedy imperialistic Europeans and Americans who plundered, and divided Africa for their own financial benefit. Africa is still the leading producer of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium and other precious gems. Nigeria provides 24% of the US's oil. That doesn't sound like a poor country to me.
Now to address the question at hand, Fear drives people to discriminate. In America whites feel that they are loosing control over their stronghold over he world. The Mexicans outnumber and out work them, Asians are smarter, and that leaves blacks. Blacks are more athletic and talented. So how do whites keep control over what power they have left, discrimination.
Reply:i am the least racist person i know of!!!
i hate everybody without exception!
Reply:Not really sure, but it's okay--when the temp. rises because of global warming, all the darker skinned people will be feeling fine and the lighter skinned people will be freaking out, LOL.
Reply:I have light skin and see myself as a black person. I am black as any other black person. I do not think my light skin has protected me from discrimination. I was beaten up in school in England by kids kicking and screaming calling me blackie and shouting 'wogs go home'.
My Southern redneck neighbors here in the US may talk and laugh with me but they are not inviting me home to dinner. My light skin does not give me an in with them. It does not protect me from being called a n-----.
My status, if indeed it is status, is based my life long love of books and learning and my interests. I love theatre and the arts and books because it's what I love to do. Nobody told me I could not go and volunteer at the History Center. I made the choice to go there and volunteer. It did not matter to me who else was there volunteering there. I was there because I love to learn new things and meet new people. But, I guess the red necks only want certain people volunteering as docents and I was chased off. My brown skin did not help me in this case either.
In the Jamaica of today light skin wont get a person anywhere - it's education, personality, charisma, intelligence, skills and strong character traits that have the most impact.
People talk about ' light skin' as a left over attitude from the old days after colonialism when a light skin black person was given preference in jobs over other blacks. Althought no longer true and has not been so for eons...certainly not in my lifetime, there is still a lingering bitterness about it. I would say people get into high culture because it is what they are interested in. Tiger Woods plays golf because he loves the sport not because he wants to rub shoulders with the guys on the high society golf course. Those two sisters who play tennis in the US championship, I forget their names, they are there because they love the sport. Tennis is a high status sport. If skin color alone would get a person economic power I would be living in a mansion in Windemere and driving a Mazarati because I certainly have the capitalistic mindset.
Reply:Read: Before Color Predjudice by Snowden. It is Color Envy and it is a mental illness according to most psychology books.
Reply:segregation is natural. It makes people feel more comfortable.
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