Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My nipples are to dark, is their a skin lightening cream I can buy that works ?

ask ur doctor or go to the drug store and buy Meladerm. it works.

My nipples are to dark, is their a skin lightening cream I can buy that works ?
why does it matter.

Nobodies going to be inspecting your nipples so closly that theyll notice its a shade darker than the average nipple X{
Reply:im afraid not and why change it ? who said light ones look better then dark ones ? they're all the same
Reply:Don't mess with your body, what does it matter and if it is your partner that doesn't like them then get another partner
Reply:Dark nipples are hot!!
Reply:skin lightening creams are not suggested for nipples.. these are just too thin and sensitive areas... the color of a woman's nipples match the overall body skin tone, and only darken during pregnancy (after which goes back to its original color)..
Reply:I'll take them just the way they are....Did you just have a baby ? That always turns them a little brown.
Reply:there is no such thing as nipples that are too dark. If they were light, they would just be regular skin tissue and not so much fun!
Reply:Why would you want to change the way they are? :P

I doubt you can make them lighter.
Reply:Thanks for the visual, babe. I'm glad I contact-added you!

Need me to put that cream on for you?
Reply:ask michael jackson
Reply:I'm pretty sure prolonged exposure to sunlight will lighten them....it works on everything else!

Reply:why don't you let me be the judge of that... I think we need to schedule you for an examination...
Reply:Please don't. Natural is always better.

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