Monday, November 21, 2011

Im a black woman and i was trying to find out how to lighten up my skin around my (More inside)?

"Rear end"(aka butt) and "front end" (Privates) of my lower torso.

Is there any way to lighten that skin up?

Im a black woman and i was trying to find out how to lighten up my skin around my (More inside)?
Ther is actually a product called Anal Bleach that will do that exact thing.
Reply:wish Michael Jackson was on this forum
Reply:Talk to a dermatologist. They have professionals that can lighten your skin.
Reply:I'm not sure why you would want to, but they do make skin lightening cream-not sure if it would be wise in such sensitive areas
Reply:why? I'm sure your a BEAUTIFUL woman ask a doctor maybe?
Reply:Gurl.... are you crazy? Are you planning on putting your rear-end on public view? Are you not yourself and wish your body was "just like Janes?" You really need to seek some advice from a therapist, as what you are needing is not atypical for someone as young as yourself. Why not wait until you are at least 50yrs and starting to dry up, before adding any extra ingredients to your mix. Boy, I also wish Michael Jackson was here to give you his advice.
Reply:Anal bleaching...I know they have that service at "Pink Cheeks" in Southern California. I can't tell you how how to do you vaginal area that sounds like a medical procedure.
Reply:Dont be embarrased: Lemon is Great for complection.

I personally think drk is beautiful and I know alot of men both Hispanic,African and Euro decent would love you no matter and some find that sexy. However, I am too a women of color( Dominican-Jamaican) and have the SAME exact problem you are having. My rear, under breasts, private areas are very dark. It just mean somehwere down the line you have multiracial ancestors thats all. I would speak to a dermatologist on that one because its genetics and NO cream is really going to help you. I know because I was your age just several years ago complaining to my mom about the same issue....You are not alone...Speak to a dermatoligist you specializes in "OUR" skin.
Reply:try Ambe, its a product available at drug stores

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